Why becoming a VUKA Facilitator®️

By VUCA Blog

What do you need a VUKA Facilitator®️ for? ... or what is missing without him?

If you want to respond to today's challenges, you inevitably ask yourself the following question: "Isn't it enough to attend an Agile Framework training or read a book about transformation and then just get started? The still growing number of training providers and book authors suggests a Yes!

Complaining and lamenting are just as little help as seeing oneself as a victim of circumstances. It is helpful to ask what is needed and sought after - possibly in addition.  Bringing a VUKA Facilitator®️ on board or even into one's own organization could be an adequate answer and a sensible decision when it comes to shaping future viability.

What is needed is context understanding and context competence!

It is about understanding, locating, changing and transforming. In place of "one fits all" solutions and the "best practice" that has been common up to now, "best thinking" is taking its place. Encouraging, enabling, empowering - the so-called 3 Es of facilitation - are required. They form a bracket around what other roles such as trainer, facilitator, mediator, business or agile coach, advisor/consultant, etc. already partially contain, but in total they are more.

However, we are now increasingly living under the influence of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, or VUCA for short, where old logics, causalities and proven patterns no longer work. These are not temporary phenomena and easily manageable crises, but effects that have a lasting impact on our everyday lives and thus also on our personal and organizational survival strategies.

This is exactly what a VUKA Facilitator®️ does!

As a process facilitator (internal or external), you support companies, teams and individuals with knowledge from systems theory and other recognized schools to work more relaxed and effectively under VUKA conditions, to develop and implement visions and strategies together. You show the possibilities and opportunities of the "VUCA Positive Prime" (according to Bob Johansen) and open up new perspectives. This replaces ingrained patterns and weakening processes with activities that give energy and motivation.

It is not uncommon for a dynamic environment to increase the state of excessive demands, helplessness and fear, along with all the negative consequences. This doesn't have to be the case anymore - thanks to your future VUKA Facilitator® competencies!

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