VUCA worldwide

VUCA in Mauritius

Together with our local partner, Kesho Gooriah –

Managing Director of “Soft Skills Mauritius“,

we managed to bring VUCA to Mauritius.

Soft Skills

Soft Skills Consultants (Mauritius) Ltd is a company based in Mauritius that offers corporate training , consultancy services, career development services, and recruitment services.

2022 Waltraud Glaeser held a half day workshop on the topic “Luckily it’s only VUCA” with HR and service executives of a large hotel chain from Mauritius.

2023 together with Softskills Mauritius she offered several live workshops on leadership and VUCA.

VUCA in Beachcomber Mauritius
VUCA in Beachcomber Mauritius
VUCA in Beachcomber Mauritius
VUCA in Beachcomber Mauritius
VUCA in Beachcomber Mauritius

VUCA in Greece

Waltraud Glaeser and Spyros Kollas, founder of "Sea Breaze" Greece, hosted a podcast in January to raise awareness about VUCA and its benefits for leaders, managers, project teams, companies and organizations:

Podcast VUCA Leadership

Spyros and Seabreaze combine modern soft skills training with the thrill of diving in exotic locations: VUCASIM

  • 6 Nights stay 5* Hotel or motor yacht
  • Scuba Diving and Soft Skills material
  • VUKA Facilitator® Certification (online, as a bonus program)
globe WitVW

Article in

The Journal of Applied Journalism

& Media Studies


The Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to bridge the gap between media and communication research and actors with a say in media production.
It covers various topics related to media and journalism, including data journalism, refugee crisis, media framing, and poverty and inequality. The VUCA-nature of modern protest communication has also been explored in this journal. It includes an article of Waltraud Glaeser, founder of and the VUKA Facilitator®️ Methodology.

VUCA as a practical model: A commentary


VUCA discourses often get stuck in describing VUCA phenomena and their effects. The experience of a nonlinear world characterized by unpredictability, uncertainty and unplanability is commonly foregrounded at the expense of contemplating VUCA as an opportunity for systemic change. Too little attention is paid to concrete action strategies that help to move from situational analysis to deep understanding and proactive change planning. In this context, especially in the management of companies but also in political as well as civil society organizations, there is a constant challenge of remaining capable of acting under maximum uncertainty...



Golden Circle

Waltraud Glaeser conducted a one-day online workshop on the topic “Navigating in a VUCA World” with a major public organization from Riga, Latvia.

After an introductory lecture, the following questions were addressed in three break out sessions:

– WHY: Create awareness! Why should you be aware of the VUCA impacts in context of your Leadership?

– HOW: How did you handle VUCA impacts on your Leadership so far?

– WHAT: What changes are required and how to approach them?


VUCA WORLD - Finland

Waltraud Glaeser conducted a one-day online workshop on the topic “Navigating in a VUCA World” with an internationally active company from Finland.

After an introductory lecture, the following questions were addressed in three break out sessions:

– WHY: Create awareness! Why should you be aware of the VUCA impacts in context of your Leadership?

– HOW: How did you handle VUCA impacts on your Leadership so far?

– WHAT: What changes are required and how to approach them?

Golden Circle graphic
Golden Circle graphic

The Great Conversation

The Great Conversation

Ron Worman is the Founder and CEO of The Sage Group® and The Great Conversation. Over the last 30 years The Sage Group has been helping companies build and execute a ‘value’ strategy that leverages their internal and external relationships. The premise of a great conversation is that ideas will change the world. Harnessing the ideas and then discussing their practical application can change market ecosystems. Innovations within market ecosystems will change leader’s strategy, planning and execution plans. We have a great conversation around helping leaders “return to curiosity” about themselves, the others around them, and their impact on their companies and the world. We come away with a positive substitution for the VUCA acronym: Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Adaptability. And that is a worthy starting point for leader’s growth, personally, professionally, and within the context of their business. We have been pursuing the guides that can help us be better leaders in this VUCA world, and we found another in Germany: Waltraud Glaeser.

It's VUCA The Film

It's VUCA The Film

IT’S VUCA is a movement from the USA. We live in an age of crushing change and uncertainty that bombards us with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, fear, anxiety – and distrust. There is a name for this: IT’S VUCA. VUCA isn’t just the problem…it’s also the solution. The future is moving faster than we think, and as we learned in 2020, 2021 and 2022, the world is not prepared for it. The goal is to transform the world from negative VUCA to positive VUCA. The film “It’s VUCA” by American director Chris Sean Nolan is a journey to discover the answers to what you are going through – helping you overcome overwhelm and succeed under conditions of VUCA NOW and TOMORROW. Waltraud Glaeser was in conversation with Chris Sean Nolan (Multiple Emmy Award-winning writer-director) and Mike Schindler (Award-winning author, US Navy Veteran, One of the US nation’s foremost experts on veteran issues ) about VUCA.


Empowerment by Agile Teambuilding

An international company based in Switzerland is in the process of optimizing the current leadership style of their teams:
Empowerment through Agility & Self-Organization, because a learning behavior is needed that can deal with high speed of change, high uncertainty and high interdependencies in a complex environment!
VUCA requires a realignment of leadership and communication: the increase in volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity requires the company to align itself differently and to ensure good results with new leadership behavior under changed conditions.

Waltraud Glaeser facilitates this journey towards purpose, alignment and commitment by gaining self-organization, empowerment and role clarity. The managers of various teams have been prepared for this shift in mindset and paradigms digitally, but also in face-to-face workshops.
A facilitated and moderated process was set up together, following the taylorized principles in the idea of Scrum logic to create value (tackle complex adaptive problems, proceed iteratively and collaboratively, learn through experience, act self-organized, challenge each other, reflect on gains and losses, continuously improve).


VUCA goes Singapore

Nu Quest Management Pte Ltd is a premier global management training and consulting firm with more than 15 years of experience serving both corporate and government clients in Singapore, Asia, Middle East and even Africa.
Nu Quest specializes in the transformation of people, team, and organizations, helping our clients adapt and thrive in the dynamic and volatile global business environment.

With Nu Quest and VUCA-World’s VUCA solutions, we can help you tailor the right training for your team and your business in Singapore and Asia.

Waltraud Glaeser, founder of VUCA world and Shahrill Aj, Founder, Chief Transformation Facilitator of Nu Quest
agreed on a collaboration that will soon result in concrete offerings.


Timestream professionals are a team with years of diverse experience in business consulting, development, delivery and implementation of IT solutions in the UAE, Middle East  and beyond.
They offer industry knowledge and experience in delivering a smooth agile transition with digital transformation.
Timestream partners with best-in-class business agility experts and software vendors to help clients improve their business agility maturity.

The VUCA-WORLD strategy aligns very well with the Business Agility concept and the Business Agility Institute (BAI) agility model. In fact, these two approaches complement each other.

Waltraud Glaeser of VUCA world and Shahid Osmani Managing Director of the Timestream Group agreed on a collaboration that will soon result in concrete offerings.


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