View of a VUCA world

By VUCA Blog

You do not discover any new continents, without the courage to lose sight of old coasts.

André Gide (French writer and Nobel literary prize winner)

People determine the success of every company.

This requires the right framework conditions under which each individual can and may contribute his or her skills and services in the sense of agreed – more qualitative and quantitative – results. This was valid at all times and becomes even more important in VUCA times.

WHEREAS and HOW determine the dialogue and discourse of managers and companies with their employees. The willingness to engage in genuine cooperation and take on clear responsibilities is a basic prerequisite for innovation. This requires freedom, creativity, speed, flexibility and a corporate culture that connects people with the organization. This connection becomes more significant and can be brought into the focus of leadership even more decisively.

In a VUCA world, the most important thing is to anticipate the future and to strengthen cooperation in companies with modern solutions. Decisions and connections are success factors for shaping the common cause. The aim is to channel the energy used in any case into meaningful channels so that it can lead to value-adding approaches and measures.


  • Mindfulness and appreciation – in dealing with people and their abilities and potentials.
  • Openness and effectiveness – we speak openly.
  • Authenticity – because we live what we teach.
  • Fun and joy – because we see our profession as a true vocation and energy flows more easily.
  • Individuality – as an answer to a fundamental human need.
  • Independence and autonomy – as a basis for lateral thinking and one’s own decisions.
  • Sense of responsibility – in doing and acting.
  • Development and lifelong learning – to broaden the horizon and gain new perspectives.
  • Humour – because we like to laugh and know that a smile is the shortest connection between two people (Victor Borge).
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