McGregor´s Theory X & Y

"What are your assumptions (implicit as well as explicit) about the most effective way to manage people?"
As an Organizational Developer I start with this question when getting invited to talk with management about problems in their companies and the uncertainty how to address them successfully with the “right” solutions (mostly meant “tools”). Since my intention is not immediately apparent to my counterpart, they usually explain their views and experiences. By listening attentively I get an idea about their understanding of leadership, their beliefs and their organizational narratives within minutes. And, in conclusion, I can picture the sources of their problems. Is this magic? No!
Most likely everybody would gain same results if being aware of the idea behind this question, going back to #DouglasMcGregor and his book “Managing the Human Side of the Enterprise” (1960), where he explains his revolutionary #TheoryY. It contends that individuals are self-motivated and self-directed vs. the #TheoryX, in which employees must be commanded and controlled.
Being challenged by a #VUCA and #BANI world, McGregor's seemingly simple question continues to resonate - perhaps more powerfully than ever. And, in regard of sustainable solutions, the only answer is the Y-understanding, despite it is missing and even disregarded much too often still.
I took the opportunity to meet consultants, interested in
#BetaOrganizations. We discussed why organizations still tend to choose the
#Alpha organizational approach (top-down, command & control) if proven that it will rather increase problems than solve them.
#BetaOrganizations are based on McGregor´s Theory Y. Their principled approach to invitation and authorization ensures high engagement and high-performing which turns from being siloed and dull to acting decentralized and adaptive.